A 500 lira (27 dollars) envelope with a message inside was discovered by a Turkish grocery store owner at the door.
It read: “When I was a kid, my friends and I took chocolate and biscuits several times from your shop without permission, forgive us.”

But here’s how people on social media are responding to this story: South American Shaffa Adam said: ” Look at the Qadr of Allah. Not only has this person repented and given recompense to the shop owner, but Allah has made the world know about this. Now how many people must be making dua to Allah on their behalf, asking Allah to forgive them.”
“This is courageous for one to do. For over the number of years, he remembered and sent the money without showing his face” Hassan Bolaji, a Nigerian stated.
He didn’t want to have that bad deed to be holding him from his entry in Jannah, added Fareda Dawood Bedford of Capetown, South Africa.
Never forget that you may always make amends.
Explore the World: City of Medina, Saudi Arabia
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