Sorcery and all forms of supernatural forces exists. To dismiss their existence is an indication you have not been reading your Qur’an. Allāh says ” And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It Read more…
Tag: A. Haroun
The road to becoming a successful business tycoon is from human mundane affairs and left in a large part to human efforts and ingenuity, except where Allāh wishes to show his magnificience. In essence, someone who puts in a lot Read more…
Why would anyone consider seeking help from Supernatural sources? 1. Culture. If you watched 10 Yoruba movies, nearly 7 will feature seeking help from divination and other animistic practices. Not only does this subconsciously indoctrinate watchers, it also gives the Read more…
What is yours is yours and what is your husband’s is his. You may say all those things you are fond of saying out of love and for the sake of romance but marriage doesn’t transfer ownership. You should also Read more…
I was greatly pleased yesterday when I was informed that many Islamic learning institutions (like IOU) now require their students to take a course in Psychology or any related course. To be fair and sincere I have no idea how Read more…