Marriages and Sihr IV, By A. Haroun

Why would anyone consider seeking help from Supernatural sources?

1. Culture.

If you watched 10 Yoruba movies, nearly 7 will feature seeking help from divination and other animistic practices. Not only does this subconsciously indoctrinate watchers, it also gives the impression that the Yoruba tradition had deep roots in supernatural practices. This is neither false nor is it peculiar to the Yorubas alone. The foundations of African culture as a whole has deep roots in animism and ritual practices; belief in deities, their powers and seeking help from them by appeasing them. This is however also not restricted to Africa alone. As a matter of fact, Greek and Norse cultures have gods that share a lot in common with Yoruba gods, though movies have given them more polished and even acceptable personalities (compare Thor and Zeus to Sango).

In essence we can say anyone who has unrestricted attachment to these cultures – unrestricted by either Religion, civilisation or personal conviction – will see nothing wrong in seeking help from supernatural sources. This is the reason many children today have not been able to talk their parents out of animistic and even occultic practices – consulting soothsayers, offering sacrifices, seeking protection and prosperity from witch doctors and their ilks etc – because they will tell you “that’s how we met our forefathers doing it”.

2. Ignorance and lack of Tawheed (unblemished belief in monotheism).

Many people seek help from these sources in ignorance; ignorant of the Islāmic stand on such practices, ignorant of the repercussions in dinning with the devil and ignorant of the fraud that comes with some of it. As mentioned already, many see it as just ‘helping yourself’. For others it is a lack of strong Islamic foundation and understanding of Tawheed that drives them to it. Take the following verses in the Qur’an for instance:

 “And if Allah should touch you with adversity, there is no remover of it except Him. And if He touches you with good – then He is over all things competent”
Q 6:17

Say, “Never will we be struck except by what Allah has decreed for us; He is our protector.” And upon Allah let the believers rely.
Q 9:51

Allah – there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.
Q 2: 255

It is not possible for someone whose eemān is built on such an unshakable foundation as highlighted by those verses to give any consideration whatsoever to any supernatural power besides Allāh. They will not be moved by ‘unexplainable occurrences‘ or be quick to attribute natural coincidences to spiritual powers. They are ever patient in the face of adversity and if given a choice between death and seeking help from supernatural forces, will gladly embrace death with open arms and a smile on their face. The only reason you find Muslims consulting soothsayers and visiting native Doctors is because we have many who are only Muslims by name, or Muslims by appearance.

3. Impatience

An old woman once narrated her marrital ordeal to me, how her in-laws used charms to turn her husband against her and her children, a man who would have been a nice and responsible father and husband was turned to the opposite of himself and she endured the horrid experience for over two decades! Today, the man is back to his senses and it is almost like honeymoon anew as he continously apologises for his past actions. In the height of her travails, many persons who knew of the ploys of her in-laws had sought to ‘take her out’ or ‘sio jine’ as Ebiras call taking a person to see a Native Doctor for spiritual consultation and fortification. She declined all entraties to that effect, deciding instead to put her faith in Allāh. She may have obliged and let herself get inducted into the group of ‘charm seekers’, thus fighting Sihr with Sihr. Perhaps her husband may have still turned a new leaf as at the time when Allāh decreed that to happen. The difference is that while today she gives Allāh all the glory, she will have given Shaitān all the credit, and made to further deceived to believe in the potency of charms, headed for an abode in hell! Impatience has driven many into seeking supernatural help. From marital problems, to poverty, to business stagnation, many persons wish to raise their hands and pray and have their answers ready before they bring down their hands. Not even prophets of Allāh enjoyed such liberties all the time. When Zakariyyah عليه السلام made the du’aa “رب هب لى من لدنك ذرية طيبة إنك سميع الدعاء” (My Lord, grant me from Yourself a good offspring. Indeed, You are the Hearer of supplication) he was a young man and guardian to Maryam mother of Jesus. He was in dire need of an offspring and was affraid he will leave earth without an inheritor. The answer to his prayer didn’t come till he was so old he had initial doubts as to whether the statement of the Angel who came to convey the glad tiding of the news was true (Read Qur’an 3: 39 – 41). If the prayer of a prophet could take that long to be answered how then do we think ours would always be instantaneous? Indeed even in the delayals of prayers is a test for the believer; will he be impatient?

It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “(The du’aa’) of any one of you will be answered so long as he is not hasty in seeking a response and does not say, ‘I prayed but I have not had a response.’”
متفق عليه

4. Marriages especially polygyny

I had to create a special grouping for this not just because it is in fact the focal point of this series, but because the amount of Sihr that we hear happen in marriages these days is alarming!

Marriages and Sihr III, By A. Haroun

From those seeking supernatural assistance are:

  • Women trying to get a husband using charms
  • A wife trying to charm her husband to do all her biddings
  • A new wife in a polygyny trying to have the husband to herself alone
  • The old wife in a polygyny trying to fortify herself against presumed attacks from the new wife
  • In-laws trying to turn their son’s attention away from his family towards them
  • A wife trying to ensure her husband never takes another wife

And recently I heard a most disgusting one

  • A husband trying to enchant the wife so she is totally submissive like a zombie, not being able to ask for even money for her basic upkeep!

And so many others.

It is very sad and unfortunate to realise that these spiritual battles are fought even in Muslim homes. In the North it is not uncommon for the wife of an Alhaji to jump from one gidan boka (native Doctor) to the other looking for occultic ways to simply win over Alhaji’s mind. The Amariya and the Uwar gida, including in-laws are all in a desperate battle for spiritual supremacy, engaging in the villest of actions as directed by their native doctors! It is indeed disheartening if you get to hear what some of these women do!

All of these to what end? A fleeting life in this world that is ephemeral. If you finally win the heart or mind of your husband to yourself then what? You die and meet Allāh for your punishment? For some their doom starts right here in this dunya!

May Allāh grant us all steadfastness upon Islām and keep us and our family far away from both inclination towards sihr and the evil effects of those who engage in Sihr.

A. Haroun writes from Abuja, Nigeria.

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