Sorcery and all forms of supernatural forces exists. To dismiss their existence is an indication you have not been reading your Qur’an. Allāh says ” And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people ‘Sihr’…..” (Q2:102). This verse indicates that Sihr exists, is propagated by Devil and his armies, and is an act of disbelief (Kufr).
Its existence doesn’t mean we live in perpetual fear of it. We treat them like a trial from the many trials of Allāh. No big deal about it. Allāh has indeed honoured humans to the point He made the angels bow down to us. It is in fact this lofty status that made shaitān envious, disobey Allāh and swear to lead us all astray. To now stoop so low as to seek help from something beneath you, something that was originally meant to bow before you is pure ignorance. Allāh says
“And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have created, with [definite] preference.” Q 17:70. That’s why the moment you leave the company of Allāh, and start chasing shadows in the form of soothsayers and witchdoctors, Allāh takes you from the lofty position of honour and places you among those who will face eventual disgrace and ridicule either in this world or in the hereafter. This is the general consequence for those who refuse to follow Allāh and his Rasul. Allāh says
“We have certainly created man in the best of stature; Then We return him to the lowest of the low. Except for those who believe and do righteous deeds, for they will have a reward uninterrupted.”
Q 95:4-6
The effect of Sihr is temporary. Every person seeking for solution from supernatural sources should know this and learn from the ridicule and shame of those before them who towed such a path. The end is almost always never good, except for those who repent and do good deeds. Allāh says about the magicians of Pharaoh
“….What they have crafted is but the trick of a magician, and the magician will not succeed wherever he is.” Q 20:69.
So, whatever you have crafted through magic or sorcery will only give you a temporary feeling of victory, it will NEVER succeed, even if it will take years.
From the ways of protecting yourself from Sihr is the daily morning and evening adhkār, the du’aas for specific actions (like entering and leaving the house and entering the rest room), reciting the Qur’an in your house, especially the second and third and the last 3 chapters of the Qur’an. Avoid hanging images or bringing items that may serve as a conduits or channels that invites jinns (spirits) into your house. This includes charms, talisman and other occultic preparations as well as reciting words that you have no understanding of what they mean (like incantations which are sometimes names of Jinns and heaping praises on them to get them to do one’s biddings).
From the devastating consequences of using Sihr is that by it marriages have been destroyed, and some, especially wives and children have been made to suffer untold hardships. Allāh says “….And [yet] they learn from them that (Sihr) by which they cause separation between a man and his wife….”. This they achieve by casting a spell over the man’s eyes so he detests his wife (perhaps and children) where he would have loved them, or make him see what’s not there, or take over his mind. The same can be done to the wife.
It is important that you look beyond your suitor at their family. Once you find out they have any form of occultic inclinations, it is safest you hold your shoes in your hands and run for your life else you will be walking into one very filthy life you will regret. Dealers in the occult; consulters of soothsayers and witchdoctors are one of the filthiest people to deal with. It is a life of consistent suspicion, unrest, insinuations, fear of the unknown and chasing shadows. There is nothing like simple or coincidental occurrence in their reckoning. There is always an evil explanation for every occurrence, something chasing you so you have to run or fortify yourself. What a miserable life that will be.
Husbands who wish to take another wife should also be twice as careful. Do not by your own hands drag into a home you painstakingly built a woman who will destroy everything using Sihr. That’s why my own personal opinion is that this idea of picking a second wife from a woman with questionable ways is a dangerous gamble. This idea of being on a ‘rescue mission’ could just as much backfire and you end up losing your whole family. Be careful.
Singles in general should be mindful of how they form unwholy relationships with the opposite sex. You just may not know what or who you are getting yourself entangled with especially since very little investigation is done in such relationships. Many have gotten themselves into occultic relationships they lived to regret. It is not every lady you can ‘use and dump’. Some will get stuck in your neck like a fishbone! Some will dance to the tune of their follies long after the relationship has ended. Lower your gaze and stay within the limits of Allāh. The extent some ladies now get to to ‘keep men’ will shock you!
If as a woman you are currently in a marriage where Sihr is wrecking havoc, you have options:
- Leave the marriage if the consequence is such that you are being deprived of your basic needs (feeding, sex etc).
- Bear it with patience while seeking the intervention of Allāh. As already discussed, the answers to our prayers may not be instantaneous.
- Pray with patience and certainty that the one you pray to hears you.
- Never fight Sihr with Sihr. It simply condemns you both to doom and disbelief. Let those who wish to dine with the devil do so. May Allāh ease our affairs and grant us comfort in our marriages
Let us continue to learn more about Tawheed and build our Islam on solid foundation, acquiring an eemān that will stand the test of time and tests, not the type that will get blown away by the slightest wind of trials.
May Allāh protect us and our loved ones from the evil of sihr, and all forms of it.
A. Haroun writes from Abuja, Nigeria.