The only One befitting of the beautiful attribute, Al Kabeer – The Perfection of Greatness, is Allah, for He is sufficiently able to direct all affairs accordingly, with no traces of mistake. This self-sufficiency attributed to Him is bordered around His divine and unmatchable powers, that never cease to exist. Allah’s perfection can be testified to, in the sense that His abilities are beyond humans’ knowledge and surpass what can be comprehended by them. His ability to see and hear, for instance, is not just limited to a single attention limit, which is known of other creatures, but fixated on everything that exists in all spaces of existence, at the same time. And this is backed up, in reference to His beautiful words of the Qur’an.
“Allah is He Who hears and sees (all things).” (Al-Haj 22:75). He is Al Sami’ (The All-hearing) and Al Basir (The All-seeing) and these attributes refer to application to the whole universe at once. “There is nothing that could be compared with Him” (Al-Ikhlas 112:4). Nothing of His attribute has a fitting with human, whose limitations are infinite. Allah’s perfection is, indeed, great and that’s why mistake is part of human, which does not require beating oneself up in the presence of it.
Only Allah will make a move, perfectly devoid of mistake, and knowing this helps to know a great deal that we should forgive ourselves, both in self-forgiving and forgiving others, when our hopes are not perfectly met, the way we envisage.
Mistakes doesn’t make one weak, it makes one human, but intentionally limiting it, is a more subtle way to live a not-perfect life, but a fulfilling one.
May Allah grant us all, long meaningful lives that will be more pleasing to Allah and less offensive to Him, Aameen.