Judging an individual before getting acquainted with him/her is a biased situation because most times, he/she might not be who others think the person is. This is because it tarnishes the other individual in society, which based on what Does Islam Allow Us To Judge Others stated is “a sign of aql’ (intellect)” (themuslimvibe, 2015). This can have positive and negative side effects. This is how discrimination, racism and tribalism are borne. According to one of the Hadiths on judging others written by Abu Amina Elias, he states that “Muslims judging other individuals the way they would want to be judged” (Abu Amina Elias). He used one of Nana Aisha reports on Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaee WaSalam) when he mentioned that “Do you know who the foremost to the shade of Allah Almighty on the Day of Resurrection?” He (Prophet Muhammad) then responded by saying that “They are those who accept the truth when they receive it, who offer the truth when they are asked for it, and who judge people the way they judge themselves” (Abu Aminah Elias). The source of this quote is from Musnad Ahmad, 23858.
Does Islam Allow Us To Judge Others article would be the most reference discussed in this article. According to an article titled Does Islam Allow Us To Judge Others posted on themuslimvibe states that “Islam not only addresses how believers are to act towards one another, but even to the extent of how they should secretly think of one another!” (themuslimvibe, 2015). Quran Chapter 49 titled Al Hujurah (The Chambers), verse 12 says that “O you who have faith! Avoid any suspicion. Indeed some suspicions are sins”. themuslimvibe additionally mentions that “Furthermore, the Holy Prophet (saw) has said “Certainly Allah has made sacred the blood, property and respect of a Muslim (from another Muslim) and he must not even entertain bad thoughts (about the other Muslim)” (themuslimvibe, 2015).
Advising others sometimes brings in judgment because the ones being advised would take it as the adviser thinking they are superior to them (the ones being advised) which gives birth to offenses which most individuals are never oblivious to. There is a difference between judging and giving advice, the first one deals with looking at others’ blemishes and the latter is all about being truthful in situations. Does Islam Allow Us To Judge Others mentions that “There is a fine line between judging someone and advising them to do the right thing- however, they are not the same. We are not allowed to judge, however, we are also obliged in Islam to counsel one another! This obligation is not something exclusively assigned to scholars but expected to be fulfilled by everyone in the community. It is in fact also one of the rights of Muslim upon the believing brother or sister defined by the Holy Prophet (saw) in his famous tradition of thirty rights of a believer” (themuslimvibe, 2015).
themuslimvibe says that “If we find ourselves sometimes judging others negatively, we can help ourselves to get rid of this habit through focusing more closely on our own deficiencies. With practice and strong will, it will become possible to be one of those who the Imam (as) describes as owners of aql’ and wisdom!” (themuslimvibe, 2015).
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