On Friday, Sheikh Abdul Ganny Aboto al-Adaby and two of his aides died in the flooding that ravaged some parts of Kwara State. Their corpses were recovered by the state fire service from a river in Ilorin, Kwara state capital city, on Saturday.
The death of the cleric has however thrown the Muslim community into mourning with tributes pouring in from different parts of the country.
A reliable source stated that the late preacher died without a house, leaving the two wives and 17 children in a rented apartment. He was also reported to have left a paltry 15,000 naira in his bank accounts. However, the Nigerian public has begun to raise money for the late Scholar’s family through a number of helpful physical and online efforts.
Kwara State Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq on Thursday made a personal donation of N10m to support the immediate family of the late cleric, according to a statement signed by Rafiu Ajakaye, the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor on October 6, 2022. In addition, Alhaj (Chief) Dr. Abdul Raheem Amoo Oladimeji, OFR, the founder, Al-Hikmah University also promised to sponsor some of his kids to University level.
Alfa Saidi Shittu, a Nigerian-born Muslim based in the UK, has raised more than 11,000,000 Naira in donations for the recently deceased Sheikh Abdul Ganny Aboto’s family. The donation was solicited via his social media channels Save Your Soul TV, according to information obtained by The Muslim Voice. He donated himself one million Naira, the information added.
The Turaki of Ilorin Emirate, Mallam Saliu Mustapha, similarly on Wednesday, announced a donation of a brand new twin semi-detached 3-bedroom apartment to the two wives and the children left behind by the cleric, according to Ibn Abdillah As-sudaisiy Al-Iloori, one of his former students.
He said, “the article I wrote with tears on the death of Sheikh AbdulGhaniy Aboto got to Malam Saliu Mustapha, the Turaki of Ilorin Emirate. I was consulted on how the family can be assisted, and I made some few suggestions based on my closeness to the bereaved family.
“Malam Saliu Mustapha has approved a gift of 1 bungalow apartment each for the two wives and their children in a very good location in Ilorin. He also promised to set up viable business for them based on their choices in sha Allāh.
“Apart from the immediate families of Sheikh Aboto, I’ve further confirmed that the families of his young aides who died with him would be supported to ameliorate their sufferings at this trying time.
“Although the Turaki has asked that the gesture be privately executed, but I feel it is necessary that this commendable intervention should not go without a mention, so that we can all take a cue from this for posterity sake.”
JUST IN: Shaykh Abdulganiyy Aboto is dead
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