Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalani (rahimuAllah) said in Al-Fath that Ibn Abtal stated in the books of Wahab bin Menabah to take seven leaves of a green Sidr, grind them with two rocks, add water to it, read the verse of Al Kursi (2:255) and Al-Qawakil (the Surah’s which start with “Qul”), take three sips, then wash up with the rest. This will remove all of his afflictions, and is a cure for men who have sexual disorders.
(Fath Al-Bari -10/233)
Al-Lalkaii said that Mohammad Ibn Othman related that Said bin Mohammad Al-Hanat stated, ”Ishaq ibn Abi Israel said, “I heard Sufyan says that Sulayman ibn Omaya (Sheikhh of Thaqif) ibn Masoud heard A’ishah (radhi Allahu anha) advise a woman to use Sidr and water to wash the traces of magic.
(Sharh Usul I’tiqad Ahl As-Sunnah wal-Jamaa -7/1288).
Shaykh Abd Al Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baaz (rahimuAllah) said that the cure of magic after its affliction is beneficial, Allah Willing. A man who cannot have sexual intercourse with his wife is advised to take seven green leaves of Sidr, grind them, put them in a container of water enough for washing the body. He should read the verse of Ayah ul Kursi (2:255), Al Ikhlaas (112), Al Falaqq (113), An Naas (114). He should also read the verses of magic in Surah Al-Aaraf (7) where Allah says, “And We inspired to Moses, “Throw your staff,” and at once it devoured what they were falsifying. | So the truth was established, and abolished was what they were doing. | And Pharaoh and his people were overcome right there and became debased. [He is referring to verses 117-119]. The verses in Surah Yunus (10) where Allah says, “So when the magicians came, Moses said to them, “Throw down whatever you will throw.” | And when they had thrown, Moses said, “What you have brought is [only] magic. Indeed, Allah will expose its worthlessness. Indeed, Allah does not amend the work of corrupters. | And Allah will establish the truth by His words, even if the criminals dislike it.”[Here, he is referring to verses 80 to 82]. And the verses in Surah Taha (20), in which Allah says, “They said, “O Moses, either you throw or we will be the first to throw.” | He said, “Rather, you throw.” And suddenly their ropes and staffs seemed to him from their magic that they were moving [like snakes]. | And he sensed within himself apprehension, did Moses. | Allah said, “Fear not. Indeed, it is you who are superior. | And throw what is in your right hand; it will swallow up what they have crafted. What they have crafted is but the trick of a magician, and the magician will not succeed wherever he is.” [Here the Shaykh is referring to verses 65 to 69].
After reading the above verses, one needs to take three sips from the water container, then wash up with the rest [make Ghusl from it]. This will remove the affliction, Allah Willing. If necessary, it could be repeated twice or more until one is cured.
(Majmu Fatawi Shaykh Abd Al Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baaz).

Ghusl should be made in a clean place and the water should be caught in a container and poured outside in the garden/yard. It is not permitted to let it go into the drain due to it being water upon which the Qur’aan has been recited.
Shaykh Abdullah bin Abd Ar Rahman Al-Jibreen stated, “I used Ruqya on relatives and friends who were not able to have intercourse with their wives following what Ibn Katheer (rahimuAllah) said. I used Sidr leaves and recited the verses he mentioned and they were cured, Allah Willing.”
It is worth mentioning that using the water of Sidr in the stated manner has a great effect, and lots of therapists are aware of this fact. However, its benefit is not only confined to men who cannot have intercourse with his wives, but also includes those afflicted with epilepsy, evil eye and magic in general (used for washing only).
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23 comments on “The Use of Sidr Leaves and Water for the treatment of Witchcraft”
November 22, 2020 at 8:57 pmWhat of if one eat in his dream often? What can be done if something moves round internally
Yemisi Tawa
December 31, 2021 at 10:46 pmCan I use sidru water for 2yrs old children?
January 4, 2024 at 8:26 amYes ma’am.
August 20, 2022 at 6:56 pmIf i want to use sidr leaves for witchcraft how
March 19, 2023 at 12:08 pmThis procedure will work for any form of affliction as said, including witch craft.
Abdulazeez damilare
September 16, 2022 at 11:45 amI can I use side water when things are difficult and facing spiritual problem
May 9, 2023 at 5:41 pmCan one just boil sidr leaves and drink them to deal with witchcraft without putting it in zam zam water? Can a non muslim use it?
Adebiyi abdulquadri
June 15, 2023 at 6:59 pmIs dry sidr leaves work also ?
June 19, 2023 at 9:52 amYes, dry sidr leave works. That was what I used and Alhamdulilah the affiliation disappeared
January 2, 2025 at 5:32 amIs that make boil?
Hassan Shittu
July 25, 2023 at 3:21 amJazaakumllau khayran wa Jazaa. Almighty Allah would rewards you beyond your imaginations. But what is the Yoruba name for this SIDRI leaf?
Muslim Voice
August 22, 2023 at 10:10 amEWE SIDIRU
Risqoh Adeyinka
August 21, 2023 at 11:14 amPeople normally show hatred to me especially my hubby and people that I associate with. Can I use sidri leaf or sidr water
January 4, 2024 at 8:24 amYes, you can use it ma’am. May Allah grant you complete shifa’a.
December 3, 2023 at 6:56 pmWhere can I get the sidru leaf in Nigeria please ?
January 4, 2024 at 8:22 amFrom Mallam shops or any Islamic store.
January 12, 2024 at 6:44 pmI sell it
January 14, 2024 at 10:34 amGo to moshsllashi jimoh,in lagos.i got there,but the dry ones.
December 31, 2023 at 12:15 pmWhat is the important of sidr leaves
March 1, 2024 at 1:14 pmAssalam alaykum.Should I start with intentions and suratul Fatiha? Also how many times per surahs eg how many Falaq or Nas etc just one each or three times each or seven times each?
February 11, 2024 at 5:10 pmHow do you collect the bathe water? Can you pour it upon urself over clothes and pour it while u stand at the plants area? Collecting water seems hard i don’t know how to collect
February 22, 2024 at 5:36 pmPls ,is it compulsory that a person that want to use the sidr leaves should just take seven leaves or he can use more than that?
Abdul Basit
April 13, 2024 at 6:28 amHere in Saudi Arabia you can find this tree anywhere. I am using the leaves for my hair.