Tag: Morals and Heart-Softeners

Question In the book al-Tawwabeen it says that a young man and his wife repented and he said to al-Sirri: I owe money. Al-Sirri said: On the Day of Resurrection the penitent and his opponents will be brought and it Read more…

Question Will a person who loves Allah enter Hell? There are many non-Muslims such as Jews and Christians who love Allah, and similarly there are immoral Muslims who love Allah. They would never say that they hate their Lord. Can Read more…

Question I know there are certain types of speech which we must refrain from, like the speech the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) stayed away from; please could you expound on that for me? Answer Praise be to Read more…

Question What is the ruling on lies that will never harm anyone? Answer Praise be to Allah. Lying is haram (impermissible) in all cases, expect those which are exempted by the Lawgiver, and what is mentioned here is not one Read more…

Question I have a question since I have been involved in some discussions with some brothers and we cant get along who is right. The question is about making dhikr in a loud voice in groups like some people do. Read more…

Question I am 18 years old and I have been struggling to find a job for the past two years. I don’t know what I should do. I have just started offering some of my (five daily) prayers from the Read more…

Question My question is regarding Sufism. As I mixed with a group of them before I knew their reality. After I heard to Sheikh Munajjid -may Allah bless him- in his series of the Correct Aqeedah (beliefs), I knew some Read more…

Question What is the ruling on Reciting Surat Al-Baqarah and asking for Allah’s forgiveness in order to get married? This matter has become common nowadays. Some sisters swear by Allah that they did not get married except after they read Read more…

Question I heard a student of knowledge mentioning the bida’ (innovations) of the Sufiyyah (Sufism). Amongst them was the innovation of mentioning Allah by his one name. He said that the prophet did not do this, neither did his honoured Read more…

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