Tag: Marriage

This article would examine and juxtapose the sets of people individuals are entitled and allowed to get married to using Islamic view and the societal lens, especially that of Nigeria environment and two of its major tribes which are the Read more…

Sorcery and all forms of supernatural forces exists. To dismiss their existence is an indication you have not been reading your Qur’an. Allāh says ” And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It Read more…

“If you marry me, know that I can’t stand your people. Make sure I’m not close to them. We have our differences. They are your family, and not mine.” She tells him before marriage. Wow! Is this an African woman? Read more…

There is a misconception or lie we have repeatedly told ourselves, and have come to believe; that everyone must marry out of love. This is not true, and even many who claim to marry for love today don’t have the Read more…

Brothers who marry our sisters in hijab/niqob, treat them unfairly and then savagely end the relationship in a shariah-noncompliant divorce should always remember one thing — Allah is the owner of retribution! Divorces in which you leave the sister stranded Read more…

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