Tag: Marriage Contract

Question Can the marriage contract be a verbal contract or must it be in writing ? Answer Praise be to Allaah. Writing down the contracts and agreements that people make among themselves is a way of confirming and formalizing them, Read more…

Question What is the correct Islamic procedure for a marriage ceremony, I mean if two Muslims are married (legally) without the presence of a religious “person” (like imam etc.), does that mean the marriage is non-existent in terms of Islam? Read more…

Question I hope that you can help me with the following, because I am confused about my situation. I was divorced before consummation of the marriage. After getting some opinions, according to the majority of opinions that I found, I Read more…

Question I am going to get married, in sha Allah, and I want to follow the Sunnah of the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) by offering a wedding feast (waleemah). My question is: when is the Read more…

Question I have understood from the answers on this website that there are no restrictions between a man and a woman after the nikah, even though the marriage has not been consumated yet. I have read some answers to this Read more…

Question Is it valid to do the marriage contract over a WebCam? Because I heard that it is not permissible as one of the conditions of marriage is that it should be done in one place? Answer Similar Answers Praise Read more…

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