Question What is the Islamic view of humanity? Does it encourage us to love and respect others as human beings, regardless of their religion or race? Answer Praise be to Allah. The Islamic view of humanity is filled with mercy Read more…
Tag: Knowledge & Propagation
Question Is it permissible for a woman to attend a wedding party if there will be some things which go against sharee’ah, such as playing music and dancing to it, or revealing clothes. Will her guardian such as her husband Read more…
Question I was a born muslim but other than praying i was ignorant of all the things now by the blessings of allah my eyes have open and i have started acting according to quraan and sunnah to my best Read more…
Question If someone wants to memorise the Holy Qur’an, what advice can you give? Answer Praise be to Allah. Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked this question and he replied as follows: What Read more…