Tag: Kind Treatment of Spouses

Question What is the reward of a righteous wife for her religious commitment before Allah, if she tries to make her husband happy, loves him, helps him remain chaste, takes care of him and treats him as if he is Read more…

Question As-Salamu-laykim, This is a very complicated question to answer but Insha-Allah, Allah(swt) will make it easy for us. I recentlly got married and I find myself in a world of problems. Our personalities clash, our mentalities are different. My Read more…

Question Sometimes my wife wants to discuss an issue with me and she has a valid point but I do not want to discuss it with her. That leads to her getting upset and it ends in an argument. Despite Read more…

Question As-Salamu-laykim, This is a very complicated question to answer but Insha-Allah, Allah(swt) will make it easy for us. I recentlly got married and I find myself in a world of problems. Our personalities clash, our mentalities are different. My Read more…

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