Question Why do we fast the first nine days of Dhu’l-Hijjah, and are there any events that are commemorated on each of these days? For example: The first day is the day on which Allah forgave Sayyiduna Adam for the Read more…
Category: Worship
Question From the article on your website, entitled The First Ten Days of Dhu’l-Hijjah, I understood that it is mustahabb to fast on the ninth day, but you did not say whether it is Sunnah to also fast on the Read more…
Question In this part of the country (Vanc. ,Canada) and maybe other ares also, the farmers deal with us in the following manner. When you go to buy an animal, they quote you a per pound rate. This means that Read more…
Question We are eight people – myself, my wife and my children. Is one udhiyah (sacrificial animal) sufficient for us, or should there be one animal for each person? If one is sufficient for us, then is it permissible for Read more…
Question How the meat of Udhiyah (sacrifice) should be shared out ? Answer Praise be to Allah. Praise be to Allaah. The command to give the meat of the sacrifice in charity is reported in a number of ahaadeeth, as Read more…
Question Is it permissible to attribute thought to Allah, such as saying “Be as Allah thinks you are, or as Allah thinks well of you”? Answer Praise be to Allah. I put this question to our shaykh, ‘Abd ar-Rahmaan al-Barraak Read more…
Question What is the ruling on spacing between worshippers in congregational prayers because of the coronavirus epidemic? Summary of answer: What appears to be the case is that it is permissible to offer prayers in congregation in the mosques with Read more…
Question If one of those who are praying behind an imam says one tasleem to the right before the imam, by mistake, does that render his prayer invalid? Answer Praise be to Allah. His prayer is not rendered invalid, but Read more…
Question I recently learned that saying “the Holy Qur’an” and “the Holy Prophet” are phrases that are not valid, because they are not narrated in the Qur’an and Sunnah. The Qur’an describes itself as kareem (noble) and ‘azeem (great), but nowhere in it does Read more…