Category: Innovation

Question A woman was stricken with a calamity and went through a time of fear that led to her eyes protruding, and she was advised to bathe in water that had been used to wash a dead person. Is that Read more…

Question I have a question since I have been involved in some discussions with some brothers and we cant get along who is right. The question is about making dhikr in a loud voice in groups like some people do. Read more…

Question Is it permissible for a woman to attend a wedding party if there will be some things which go against sharee’ah, such as playing music and dancing to it, or revealing clothes. Will her guardian such as her husband Read more…

Question I heard a student of knowledge mentioning the bida’ (innovations) of the Sufiyyah (Sufism). Amongst them was the innovation of mentioning Allah by his one name. He said that the prophet did not do this, neither did his honoured Read more…

Question On every last Sunday of the month, we get together with a group of 30 or more sisters and each of us reads two or three hizb (portions of Qur’aan) until we complete the Holy Qur’aan in one and Read more…

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