For this year 2024/1445 festival, today Monday, 18th June 2024, is the last of the three days within which Eidul Adhā are officially celebrated by Muslims. These days known as Ayāmu Tashreek, are meant for eating and drinking as Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) instructed. No matter how religious one may wish to be, it is prohibited for any Muslim to fast on any of those days. These days are not just about eating as done on other days, they are unique because they are days on which Muslims eat the sacrificial meat, symbolically, Ram Meat. Unfortunately, there are still countless Muslims across the world who hardly have any taste of such special Ram Meat on such special days. Subhanallah!
Therefore, as Waqf provides solutions to social problems that may face Muslims which can be addressed through social finance, there is need for Waqf to be invoked to address this sad experience of some Muslims.
Waqf is an Islamic Endowment System which entails surrendering certain property dedicated for the benefits of the needy to enjoy the usufruct derivable from such properties. It is a means to achieve investment for perpetual rewards from Allah (Sadaqatu Jāeiyyah).
Waqf is a structured religious charity with its legal consequences and constraints. Accordingly, the property made as Waqf can no longer be sold, gifted, mortgaged, inherited or transferred in any way that its preservation would be defeated.
Thus, perishable items which cannot be preserved and sustained, and which has no fruits to produce for circulated use cannot be made as Waqf. However, both movable (such as animals) and immovable properties can be made as Waqf.
There are four calssical pillars of Waqf namely, Wāqif, Mawqūf, Mawqūf ‘Alaih and Ṣīghah. A fifth pillar being contemporarily articulated is the presence of the Mutawalli/Nādhir al-waqf. All these are required for the validity of a Waqf.
Since Eidul Adhā is an annual religious event, proper planning towards impacting on the less privileged during the period and making them happy as well cannot be out of place. Therefore, exploring Waqf to achieve this would be deserving.
Structuring the Ram Waqf Scheme
- Phase 1: the Wāqif
The Wāqif (donor) can be any interested Muslim donor as individuals or groups.
- Phase 2: the Mawqūf
The Waqf property (Mawqūf) can be specific number of sheep bought by or on behalf of the donor. This may also be monetized by which minimum amount is accepted as Waqf cash aimed at purchasing the sheep either alone on behalf of an individual donor or in group with others if the amount donated is not enough to purchase at least a sheep.
To also constitute part of the Mawqūf is a landed property that would constitute the Waqf Farm. This can either be purchased or donated. The option of partnering with an existing Farm Land can also be explored.
- Phase 3: Mawqūf ‘Alaih (the Beneficiary)
The beneficiary of the products from the Waqf would be needy Muslims who could not afford slaughtering a Ram and especially who have no means to be gifted with the Eid Meat during the festival.
- Phase 4: Şighah (Terms of the Waqf)
There should be structured terms which all Wāqifs must subscribe to as well as specifics which each donor may be allowed to spell out, such as regarding the desired/designated beneficiaries. This can allow for Family Waqf to be instituted by which the beneficiaries may be family members of the Donor.
- Phase 5: Management and Administration Stuffs
The services of Waqf institutions would be needed for the proposed Waqf scheme. It can be a product to be marketed by such Waqf institutions. Involvement of experts in Sheep farming would be highly demanded.
Each donor may also be required to pay a token fee towards the care of each sheep at the start of the Waqf. As the Waqf grows and becomes self-sustaining, such fee may no longer be chargeable.
There is also a possibility for the use of Mudãrabah arrangement in the management of the Waqf between the Waqf and the Managers.
Importantly, the sheep donated as Waqf would be required to be preserved while the lamps birthed would be the fruits to be used.
If the lamp is a Ram, it would be slaughtered when it has reached the required age during the relevant festival while lamb sheep would be preserved and also become integrated as Waqf on the farm.
The above aims to provoke some thoughts towards creating a sustainable feeding of the poor with Ram meat during Eidul Adhā. It has the potentials of saving costs in the huge investments being made annually by philanthropists towards feeding the poor with Eid meat.
There is need for all Waqf stakeholders to think out of the box towards making Eid meat get to more Muslims annually during the Eidul Adhā. There are potential solutions in RAM WAQF FARM (RMF). Giving it a trial would be worthwhile, insha Allah.
Dr AS Ishola, Senior Lecturer, Department of Islamic Law, Faculty of Law, Kwara State University Malete-Nigeria (KWASU).
Read Also: Eid ul Adha; A Path With Clear Template