Every Muslim is presumed to know that there are five pillars of Islam, namely:
1. Testimony to the Oneness of Allah; His sole right to be worshipped alone and believing in the Messengership of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him);
2. Observing five times daily prayers;
3. Paying Zakāh;
4. Fasting during the Ramadan Month;
5. Going on Pilgrimage to Mecca, if able.
These pillars are ranked in terms of their positions in the order in which they have been listed above (which are as the Prophet himself listed them).
Thus, there is no doubt that Zakāh takes the third position in the five pillars of Islam. This implies that after a Muslim has taken care of his/her Twin Testimonies (sound ‘Aqīdah) and diligently observes the five daily prayers, the next for him is to be committed to complying with Zakāh without anyone forcing him/her.
Therefore, being a Pillar of Islam, it is the duty of every Muslim to check her/himself from time to time to know and be sure if he is under any obligation at any moment to pay Zakāh or not.
Muslim scholars do posit that, without the first three pillars being well satisfied and guided and committed to, no person can be considered to be a Muslim. Being a Muslim thus entails being conscious and intentional about compliance with your Zakāh obligations, just like satisfying the Testimonies and observing the daily five Salawãt (prayers). This is evident from Quran Chapter 9 (Surah at-Tawbah): verse 11, where Allah says:
“But if they repent, perform As-Salat and Zakah, then they are your brethren in religion. In this way we explain the revelation in detail for a people who know”.(The Noble Quran: English Translation of the Meanings and Commentary).
Your Task Towards Knowing Your Zakāh Status
It is the law that Zakāh is obligatory on every Muslim who has any property that is Zakatable. Even if such property owner is a child, including orphans or is sick either mentally or in body and regardless of being a Male or Female, Zakāh would still be due for payment.
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. Thus to claim ignorance of your Zakāh obligations would not be tenable. You would be held accountable for Zakāh which you failed to pay. You should therefore be conscious of your Zakāh Status and be well guided nom when it would be due, as further explained below.
There are three general requirements for properties to be Zakatable:
i. That the property is up to the Nisãb (stipulated threshold value worth of the Property).
ii. That the property has passed through the required possession and ownership gestation period called al-Hawlu (generally one year except for few exceptions such as Zakatable farm Produce).
iii. That the property items are Zakatable.
The above three requisites are what every Muslim should get himself well educated about just as all Muslims are obliged to be well educated about how to pray.
It this therefore your responsibility as a Muslim to ask scholars around you for guidance on your Zakāh status from time to time. Failure to do this has serious consequences.
Consequences of Failure to Pay Zakāh
Both the Quran and the Sunnah are very explicit on the negative consequences that would befall Zakāh defaulters, both in this world and the Hereafter.
In Quran 9 verse 34, Allah declares explicitly that those who fail to pay Zakāh would face severe punishment in the Hereafter.
At the worldly level, the properties owned by any Muslim which are due for Zakāh but whose Zakāh is not paid would be devoid of divine blessings from Allah (Barakah) and will be divinely filthy. Such properties could be the source of sorrow, depression, fear etc for the owner.
Imãm al-Ghazãlï referenced an Hadith in one his books where the Prophet declared that, Zakāh was obligated to purify what is left after Zakāh is paid (see Sulwatu-l-‘Ãrifïn of Imãm al-Ghazãlï). And since blessings of Allah would not descend on properties until they are purified, Zakāh default remains a blocking stone towards blessings of Allah upon properties acquired.
The Prophet was also reported to have said that, Zakāh defaulters would not enjoy the protection of Allah upon them wherever they might be.
Also, every due Zakāh not paid would be turned into instruments of punishment for the defaulters on the Day of Resurrection.
Part of being a Muslim and indeed a good Muslim is for one to be intentional about knowing one’s Zakāh status for time to time. Doing this, one would be paying Zakāh as and at when due.
Zakāh is not the same as Ṣadaqah (Charity). Being charitable without being zakative in conduct is a misplacement of priority. It is an of generosity improperly done.
You will ordinarily not be queried about not doing Ṣadaqah, but you would seriously be questioned about your Zakāh obligations.
Let your acts of doing Ṣadaqah not be a reason why you are not Zakāh disciplined.
Zakāh is obligatory while Ṣadaqah is merely voluntary. Without being Zakāh compliance, your Ṣadaqah would take you no where.
It is better late than never. Start being Zakāh conscious and observant henceforth if you had not been so committed before now.
Accountability for Zakāh is real for everyone in the Hereafter. Don’t allow death to overtake while your in the habits of Zakāh defaulting.
May Allah be pleased with us and save us from His wrath and punishments.
Abdullahi Saliu Ishola, PhD, CSAA, CISSA