Why I Studied Computer Science – Mahadi Abuhuraira, Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) Overall Best Graduating Student

The Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) is an internationally recognised Nigerian university and is located in Zaria, Kaduna State. At the 43rd Convocation of Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) held on Saturday, 27th January, twenty two best graduating students have received various prizes and certificates. And a total of 10 different prizes was given to eight best graduating students on the occasion, according to the Public Affairs Directorate, Office of the Vice-Chancellor, ABU Zaria on Monday, 29th January, 2024.

Similarly, a total of 17 Faculties’ Best Graduating Students, including the University’s overall best graduating student, Abuhuraira Mahdi from the Department of Computer Science, received the Dean’s Annual Prize Certificates from the University.

In this interview with Muslim Voice, the computer scientist speaks of his journey towards academic excellence with OYEBAMIJI ADESOJI USMAN.

Abu Zaria, Overall Best Graduations Student

MV: What first piqued your curiosity about computer science?

Abuhuraira: My interest in computer science begins around 2010/11, my uncle Ibrahim Ladan then manages an Internet cafe (Webzone Cyber Cafe) at Congo Campus ABU. So, after school I would go there to assist. Not really much then its just selling tickets and controlling clients’ printings with some occasional help with students’ assignments, but that was the beginning of my interest with computers in general.

MV: What aspect of computer science most interests you?

Abuhuraira: I will like to point here that I have a keen interest in mathematics in particular, about 80% of my electives are from there thus I usually tend to have more interest in anything involving numbers… now to answer the question. The aspects that interests me the most would be any aspect involving some form of mathematical reasoning, so things like DSA (Data structures and algorithm), all programming courses, study of automatons and the likes.

MV: Do you still remember the highlights of your school experience?

Abuhuraira: There isn’t anything peculiar in my school experience, it’s the usual student life the good and the bad.

MV: As an undergraduate, did you get any scholarships or awards?

Abuhuraira: Yes, I did. I was opportune to get a scholarship from Chevron at 200 level, and SNEPCO at 300 level.

MV: Was that the driving force behind your desire to excel in your set?

Abuhuraira: Not really, my desire has been usually about me.

MV: What kind of reading habit did you have? Were there any unique techniques that you adopted?

Abuhuraira: A quick disclaimer first: the important fact is “know thyself”, find what works for you and stick to it.
My reading habit was simple – be consistent – I have a standard reading time of 2hrs everyday from 8:00pm – 10:00pm. Unless when something came up we (I normally read in group) will always show up to class at that time, we may not necessarily be reading per se it may just be a discussion (sometimes not related to academic even) but that way it builds the habit so that when its time for a test or exam you discover that you have only a little more to cover and the rest is just revison and you hardly get ambushed by a shotgun (an unannounced test).

Another thing to note is that I rarely miss lectures – that way for logic-intensive courses I get to learn the approach of the lecturer while for bulky ones I get to understand where to put more effort when reading.

I always teach what I know – I have a simple rule, I would never (willingly) turn down a request to teach what I know, this has a lot of advantages;
– When you try to explain what you understood (or thought you understood) you get to explore more angles about it or discover you. actually didn’t understand it at all.
– You almost always learn something new from the one you are explaining to.
-You get provided with different type of questions from people trying to learn from which add more to what you know.

Finally, surround yourself with like minds, I your interests differ with your most inner circle of friends then (in most cases) one of you would have to succumb to the other.

MV: What number of awards did you win? Enumerate them.

Abuhuraira: I was awarded with the Dean’s Annual Prize as The Best Graduating Student Faculty of Physical Sciences.

MV: What is your current state of mind?

Abuhuraira: That’s a tough one, as mind is always volatile, but right now I would say “optimistic.”

MV: What are you planning to do next?

Abuhuraira: Two things, I Have an intention of pursuing a masters degree, but before then I would serve first during which I will hone my programming skills.

Read Also: Meet OAU Female Best Graduating Student 2023, Islamiyyah Abdullateef- The Hijab Diva

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One comment on “Why I Studied Computer Science – Mahadi Abuhuraira, Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) Overall Best Graduating Student

Bakare Hassan Oladapo

I want to have the contact of abuhuraira Mahadi


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