Alhaji Mas’ud Olanrewaju Adepoju Has Returned To His Lord

Our father in Islam, Alhaji Mas’ud Olanrewaju Adepoju, a popular Yoruba poet, Ewi exponent, playwright, author, artiste and religious leader, has passed on at his Ibadan residence yesterday evening at the age of 83 years.

He reverted to Islam from christianity and went on the Holy Pilgrimage to Makkah and Madinah. He returned home to study Islam in order to acquire much knowledge of the deen and to propagate islam with his newly acquired knowledge.

He later founded an Islamic Organisation called “THE UNIVERSAL MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD” (U.M.B.) in the heart of Ibadan for the purpose of the propagation of the pristine islam.

He became a very devout muslim and one of the prominent leaders of the Ahlusunnah wal jamaah in the whole of Yorubaland and strove hard in the cause of Allah from the time of his acceptance of Islam till the end.

May Allah forgive him and have mercy upon him. May Allah widen and illuminate his grave and fill it with the sweet fragrance of musk from paradise. May Allah save him from the torments of the grave, the trials of the Day of Judgment and the torments of hell. And may Allah grant him a lofty abode in Aljannatul Firdaws. Amin.

May Allah give his family and the entire Muslim Ummah of the south west and beyond the rare strength and fortitude to bear the great loss. Amin.

Dr. Fuad-deen Olabisi Kekere-ekun writes from Lagos, Nigeria.

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