Sometimes, life happens, and given our nature as humans, we tend to chicken out from our focus and give in to the whelming discomfort that life has brought. In this case, we lose our guard to be driven by the wheels of inconvenience that life presents at that moment.
It’s definitely not an easy task to overcome a challenge, especially if it has to do with a vital part of one’s life. An effective mindset, though, that will likely cushion the negative effect of life’s occasional drama is to think of the extent of destruction that will possibly result from spreading that problem to other areas of one’s life, by a ‘never-ending’ wailing and despair, as opposed to if concentration is shifted to only the problem and how it can be solved. Concentrating on only the problems, without spreading it, will not only simplify things, but also make the mind less burdened.
When we fail to look beyond our issues, we tend to lose our guard of what purpose we have come to serve in life, which is majorly Ibaadah to Almighty Allah. The more we are persistent on seeking way out of our mishaps, instead of wallowing in self-pity, the better we are, in terms of distancing ourselves from losing our guards.
It’s easy for Shaytan to twist one’s mind, to believe he’s reflecting on his problem, whereas the real meaning is that one is being deceived to shift away from important matters, while focusing on non-progressive ones. Once the path of purpose has been compromised, it is difficult to get back on track, but when we have the ikhlaas (intention purification) that all problem belongs to Allah and only Him can solve them, then we begin to not just put our minds away from their negative side, but see them as a medium through which our feet will be firmer on that path.
Ismail Abogunde, Editor-in-Chief at The Muslim Voice, Nigeria. Contact: abogundedarey@gmail.com