The consciousness to be able to uphold the right dispositions towards humanity and one’s holy communion with his/her Creator, which falls within the bounds of possession of good conscience, may be threatened by a deadly moral and spiritual cankerworm of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is the disloyal, dishonest and dishonored standard possessed by an individual or a community, which hurts the truth, loyalty, honesty, honor and righteousness of such individual or community, thereby establishing an existence that balances on lies and fakiness. It can come as the pretense displayed to be on the path of truth in order to conceal a real identity of falsehood, and it is commonly attributed with the expression of ‘double standards.’
Every system of existence ought to be an open phase where the underlying structure or framework should, to the best of members’ execution, be thoroughly followed, with infinitesimal to zero diversion from the said framework or structure. Failure to adhere to this concept of following set principles, with prior intention of rebel or apostasy, amounts to hypocrisy within the system and this weakens or, in the worst case, totally destroys its efficacy. This menace may come from those who are put in the helms of affairs in charge of the management or even subordinates who are of lower status, and this could have resulted from a harmful diversion from the moral ethic of conduct guiding the founding principles of the system.
A typical case study of the manifestation of hypocrisy is a country with abound resources of benefits that is sufficient to cater for the needs of her citizens, through her elected/appointed government officials, but such country’s government not only deprive the citizens those basic amenities, they also hoard it all to themselves and make the masses live in extreme needy conditions that may be likened to that of those countries that are known for their lack of such resources. Just as it plays out in the government sector, it’s found among the masses too, in the form of dishonesty, manipulation against one another for, in most cases, a trivial gain of no major sustenance. If the moral, spiritual and conscience righteousness were firmly rooted in the minds of the constituents of such a locale, it can be of assurance that resources will be adequately spread across, with little to zero discrimination or exclusion.
Pointless protest, apostasy, blasphemy, mutiny, treason are all forms in which hypocrisy can come to set in and in all, no fruitful gain could ever surface, rather the exhumation of needless chaos and disorderliness are been called for. Hypocrisy can, from my personal point of view, be viewed as uncouthly forcing oneself to a path that goes against one’s good innate make-up. This, in majority of times, doesn’t go well as it disrupts self-balance that causes discomfort to both the self and the environment of influence of such disposition. May Allah save us from this negative trait.
Allah says “The hypocrite men and the hypocrite women are as one another; they enjoin evil and forbid good, and they keep their hands shut. They have forsaken Allah, so He has forsaken them, (too). The hypocrites are indeed the transgressors.” [Surah At-Tawbah:67]. Our Creator affirms that their (hypocrites) inclination towards evil and diversion from good, in the end, earns His displeasure in this world and the hereafter.
A lifetime of speeches with lie; promise and breakage of such promise; and betrayal of trust is one not worthy to be found upon. May Allah save us from the ills of hypocrisy and turn us towards absolute honesty, Aameen.
Ismail Abogunde, Editor-in-Chief at The Muslim Voice, Nigeria. Contact: abogundedarey@gmail.com
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