His Royal Majesty, Oba (Prof.) Saka Adelola Matemilola, Oluyalo Otileta VII, the 14th Olowu of Owu Kingdom his siblings handed over to Muslim Students Society of Nigeria (MSSN) a new Masjid and Islamic Centre in the name of their late dad on Sunday, 15th January, 2023, a source said.
The donated property named Sulaiman Matemilola Islamic Centre situated at 13 Kadiri Street, Orile Iganmu Lagos State, was later transferred to the Muslim Students’ Society of Nigeria, Lagos State Area Unit for administration and management. Imam Nojeem Jimoh who is close to the generous family said, “originally built by their dad as a family residence, Olowu and his siblings were raised in the same building. The newly converted Islamic Centre alongside an adjoining residential building here in Lagos, were transferred to MSSN as new custodians of the assets.”
“This is a Waqf; and it must be treated as such. Thus, it should agitate the interest of every Waqf stakeholder, ” Waqf expert, Dr Abdullahi Saliu Ishola of the Kwara State University Malete explained while commenting on the development.
Dr Ishola stated that, “Waqfu Khairī is any waqf whose benefits go to the general people who are not required to be family members of the donor(s). It is also divided into two namely; Waqfu ‘Ām and Waqf Khāṣ which are also each divided into as Waqfu Dīni Mahdo and Waqfu Duniyāwī. The nature of their Waqfu Khairī is in the category of Waqfu ‘Am Dīnī Mahdo which is clear from its name as an “Islamic Centre”.
He advised the donors to consider creating another supportive waqfu which will cater for the maintenance of the Centre.
“They should also consider proper legal documentation for the waqf by ensuring that the requisite Waqfu Deed governing the Centre is executed,” Ishola added.
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