Like every other value-adding trends/vogues, if not beyond, etiquettes – expected procedures or paths to be treaded in various adventures – are elements that need our uncompromised and thorough attention, to be upheld in decisions and choices we dive into. Life is an aggregate of several different processes which form the whole of each of the experiences we observe, and each phase of our living, is the realisation of the synergies of interwoven etiquettes that has been coursed, in order to achieve specific phases. In essence, the path of life we tend to move towards, which either births goodness or the opposite, is largely dependent upon the step-by-step procedural etiquette we have implemented.
Life can either swing to the good or bad side, as those are the two aspects that life pendulum swings to, in terms of outcomes. This generic scenario of life, could be narrowed down to the steps we take in achieving aims and it follows that if the negative step to an adventure is aimed at, one should expect an outcome equivalent to the energy been put into such and if the rightly required etiquette of an adventure or activity is taken into consideration and eventually utilized, it should be expected that good begets good – no matter how little.
“Whoever comes [on the Day of Judgement] with a good deed will have ten times the like thereof [to his credit], and whoever comes with an evil deed will not be recompensed except the like thereof; and they will not be wronged.” [Al-An’am 6:160]. No doubt that what is sown will be reaped and the honorable words of the Almighty, without any ambiguity, stresses the recompense for any act – preceded by its intention – put forward by creatures.
Perfection belongs to Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ), which no human has had even an atom of capacity/capability in attaining and therefore, we are bound to err in virtually every step that makes up our efforts in etiquette upholding, and with regards to this, conscious efforts need to be made in staying firm on ideal protocols and etiquettes in situations, so as to get the best part of them, even if 100% is not possible.
Logically, it would be desired to experience success in our dealings, so this will call for tending towards the channel that will bring about that, rather than one which will bring about the opposite. Although the toxic etiquette may sometimes be masked by foreseen glittering outcomes, the toxicity in it will, sooner or later, be manifested in such outcomes, but the righteously treaded path will spread goodness, regardless of how long it takes.
Keeping up with etiquettes – the right ones – should be a way of life, as it’s a path that ascertains a high magnitude of positivity in the sojourn that has been fixated on them. May Allah direct our footings to the right course of life, Aameen.
Ismail Abogunde, Editor-in-Chief at The Muslim Voice, Nigeria. Contact: abogundedarey@gmail.com
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