Moral, spiritual and intellectual uprightness all come to converge within the living space of chastity. Chastity – the pureness, from filth, of one’s body and soul – encompasses all three features of uprightness mentioned earlier, coupled especially with the absence of sexual immorality. Refraining oneself from all vices, especially those of sexual nature, tends the being to a state of chastity and the deliberate steadfastness upon this deprivation leads to pleasure, with utmost satisfaction, in the act of holding back oneself from different shades of seemingly pleasant corruption.
With Allah’s Rahmah to uphold this intentional habit of staying away from sexual vices comes the ease to have a family that will be built upon goodness and keep striving upon goodness with the room for shaytan – in such a family – as non existent.
Lasting is what one dedicates his time and other effortful resources, in a great sacrificial manner, to achieve. A gift found on a platter of gold tends to not last with time, if not judiciously used, and this explains how the relentless strive to remain chaste evolves a good family, as the great work put into attaining chastity, will not be wanted trashed in the bin. Such a feat will, most likely, be requited by way of ensuring one’s progeny and associated relatives stay on the lane of pureness. The sincere intention, and actioning, of goodness, of which chastity protection carries a big weight, usually births goodness that will, in turn, not just reward the initiator but the community at large. Allah says “So, whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it.” [Zilzala 99:7]. It is therefore quite appropriate to say the reward for staying chaste is the possession of righteous family that will propagate goodness on the land, with the addition of a healthy state of living, as a result of non-exposure to societal vices that corrupts the body and soul.
Sexual impurity is a major menace in our contemporary world and staying off it, is a sure path to ridding off the menace and getting younger generations protected.
A blissful marriage compromising of chaste couple will surely breed a generation of pious individuals that will be both tools for the family’s good name flagship and societal tranquility.
The genesis of a good home is tied to the selection of a good spouse and it takes a good fellow to choose and also be a good spouse who prioritizes chastity. The union can now be righteously fruitful, through the pool of decency and steadfast morality combined by both parties. The Prophet (صَلَّى ٱللَّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) points out, among the virtues of spousal selection, that “When someone with whose morality and religion you are pleased comes to you (for marriage), conclude the marriage. If you do not do it, then a great commotion and disturbance and corruption would take place on earth.” Among the corruption that will spring up by not adhering to the infallible word of Rosoolullah is uncouth group of children all around, morally declined private and public institutions, infidelity, insecurity, etc.
It is not wrong, to emphatically stress the importance of remaining chaste before marriage, for part of its reward, is the gift of a good spouse that will be the coolness of one’s eyes. We trust our Lord to bestow the deserving compensation of individuals on them. The gain will not be limited to this world, but Jannah surely awaits the parties involved, in the hereafter. Rosoolullah (صَلَّى ٱللَّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) said “Whoever guarantees me against what is between his jaws (i.e. his tongue) and what is between his legs (i.e. his private parts), I guarantee him Paradise.” [Al-Bukhari].
Living one’s life to deprive oneself of acclaimed ‘sweetness,’ most of which is devilishly skeletal, with the ikhlaas to seeking the pleasure of The Almighty, is an adventure that equates to an investment that will yield a return of pleasant family whose branches will spread goodness across the land, and the ultimate sweetness of the hereafter, which is Jannah.
May Allah ease the sojourn of attaining chastity for us, Aameen.
Ismail Abogunde, Editor-in-Chief at The Muslim Voice, Nigeria. Contact:
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