Jumu’ah Post: The Panacean Influence of Contentment in Present Day’s Woes

It is a well established concept for those who project their minds into observing realities, that we, as humans, are rarely – and several times, not – satisfied or quenched of our longing for wants. However, this factor does not signify the abnormality in the human creation of Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ), but it rather shows the imperfection – defining a major nature of humans – in humans, as designed by Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ) to put humans’ perfection status below His own perfection attribute which none of His creatures will ever attain. Contentment/Satisfaction with every situation we tend to be upon speaks about our ability to accept whatever it is, that comes our way without any internal toxicity overwhelming us as regards the situation. It reveals our resilience and forbearance to navigate through the existential circumstances of situations, with a firm resolve to see the positiveness in them rather than bank on their unpalatable side. People with contentment tend to possess a high threshold limit for unpleasant situations, making them withstand hardship better than those with lower threshold.

Every human has been wired to always want to progress in all we do, as reflected by our logical intentions to always move forward by the steps we take. No rightly-framed minded individual will intentionally, in a bid to hurt himself, favor a non-beneficial course over a beneficial one, except for one who intends making a sacrifice – which, on a long-run, births gains. Greed, which comes at the other end of contentment, is what sets in when the desire to always be in pleasant situations surpasses endurance of hard times, to a very significant extent, and when the threshold to bear hardship is little or zero.

This informed make-up of having little to no drop of bearing capacity for unpleasant times has contributed a full weighted impact on the adversely affecting issues of immorality and loss of self worth that are rampant today. Everyone seem to be in a constant rat race to live a socially befitting life at all cost.

Morals are swept down the carpet in a bid to meet up with class, homes have been ruined due to the inability to keep it together, as a result of pursuance of the ‘fast lane,’ education now seem to offer no value, as people now view it as something that won’t be a quick path to wealth (‘education na scam,’ as folks would say). The world at large is gradually thinning away in its conduit of sanity. All these are the products of our excess love for pleasures, without any recourse to patience to be satisfied/contented with and thankful for the favors Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ) has granted us, upon which we can now supplicate for more to come. Allah says “If you are grateful, I would certainly give you more; and if you are ungrateful, My chastisement is truly severe.” (14:7).

The world, given the extent of its rottenness, could still be revived if we are intentionally and deliberately more inclined to less giving in, to desires that prompt our being into giving little or no cognizance to patience and contentment.

There is no amount of badness a situation may be contaminated with, which correctness, in the presence of well structured corrective measures, can’t overcome. The panacea to the long afflicting hurt in the world could be found in prioritizing contentment, if only we could be deliberate about it.

“Whatever of good befalls you, it is from Allah; and whatever of ill befalls you , it is from yourself.” (Al-Nisa ,79)

May Allah guide our affairs and keep strengthening our Eemaan to the right course, Aameen.

Ismail Abogunde, an Editor at The Muslim Voice, Nigeria. Contact: abogundedarey@gmail.com
25 – 03 – 1444AH.


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