Every parent wants the best for their children and will sacrifice everything to ensure that their kids have it. Needless to say, no one wants to see their kid suffer or miss out. All parents want their children to live happily and become successful.
If we look back at the last few years, we can see how much has changed in the world. Thriving in today’s innovation-driven world requires a different mix of skills.
Parents everywhere don’t just want their kids to survive; they want them to thrive and succeed. In essence, raising the highest achieving children will necessitate being intentional, decisive, and diligent.
If truly we care, kids need more than academics at school to succeed.
How many times have you heard the cliché, ‘The most important thing you can give your children is love? Well, yes, obviously love is essential. But if that was all you gave them, they would be missing out badly.
Success in today’s world puts a higher premium on sound core skills. The world is moving at light speed. In today’s frighteningly fast-changing world, teaching experiences that take place outside of the confines of the classroom walls is essential.
From solving problems in class assignments to making logical decisions in real-world situations, critical thinking is a valuable skill for all aspects of life. Parents should guide their children on how to make decisions wisely, predict opportunities, and come up with possible solutions to a problem. Typically, effective problem-solving or critical-thinking skills result in ‘happier, more confident, and more independent’ individuals. They will be cognitively equipped to handle anything the world throws at them. What more could a parent want?
The pandemic was a wake-up call for all. To thrive in the coming decades, kids must be taught resilience to cope with changes and challenges. Today’s world demands the skill of resilience- the ability to withstand unpredictable threats or change and emerge stronger.
Self-discipline is, without a doubt, one of the most essential skills in every area of life. The single most important attribute to becoming successful is self-discipline. It helps kids to stay focused on goals despite obstacles and distractions, or simply manage time, and resist procrastination. Self-discipline means self-control, which is an inner strength to forgo immediate gratification and pleasure, in favor of some greater gains.
Teach your children responsibility early. Accountability must be enforced. Teach them from a young age. Let them help you and show them the way. Provide structure and support. Teaching Responsibility often means stepping back and creating opportunities for responsible behavior at home. Stepping back also means letting kids fail in small ways. You must as well establish consequences for breaking rules and you follow through on those consequences. More importantly, model responsibility.
Teach your children money management skills. You can introduce children to personal finance and help them learn about needs, wants, budgets, savings, and donations. Instill a habit of saving. Create opportunities to earn money. Set an example. In short, practice what you preach.
Independence is a skill children have a right to be taught. Taking responsibility for their actions, is an important virtue that should be instilled in children by their parents, from the early years. Independence fosters self-reliance and promotes confidence, resilience, and self-esteem.
Good etiquette and social manners are vital life skills. Manners are about our attitude towards others. Good manners are simply the treatment of other people with courtesy and politeness, and showing correct public behaviour. Model the behaviour you’d like to see in your kids.
Some issues may be out of the parent’s purview or control. Acquiring appropriate behaviour patterns may not be that easy. Obviously, the first step in instilling discipline is to establish a set of rules within your home. Rules prepare your children for the real world. Your children will know what’s allowed and what type of behaviour is off-limits.
My other favorite skills are hard work, creativity, tolerance, persistence, curiosity, obedience, patience, integrity, excellence, and compassion.
Dr. Maryam Abimbola Mikail is the founder and CEO of MIMIA SDN. BHD.
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