Tribute To Shiekh (Dr) Jamiu Kolapo Bello – The Chief Imam Of Ilobu Land

His profile revealed the consequent positive result that often awaits those who strive to seek God’s benevolence through knowledge, honesty, dedication and utmost commitment to the uplift of the welfare of mankind.

He was endowed with the power to swiftly turn things around for good. His life was beautifully powered with the zeal and determination to win souls for Allah and contribute maximally to the growth of everyone around him. He was rare breed amongst the Ulamas.

Alhaji (Dr.) Jamiu Kolapo Bello was born on Friday, February 4th, 1945 in Ibigbami’s Compound to the Late Shiekh Bello Imam and Alhaja Ummuhanni Bello Imam. His father was an Islamic scholar who believed in giving all his children Islamic education. Hence, Alhaji Jamiu Kolapo Bello was introduced to Islamic education right from his childhood.

In quest for a western education, he sought for admission into A.U.D Primary School Laaro, Ilobu in 1964 and because of his age and brilliancy, he was admitted into Primary 3. This act did not satisfy his father and as a form of punishment his farm work was doubled. In 1967, he obtained his Primary School Leaving Certificate and with the Ibatudahiya Knowledge from Shiekh Hassan Bello Imam.

He proceeded to the Late Shiekh Mustapha Olayiwola Ajisafe Islamic and Arabic Modern School, Osogbo in 1967. Having lost his father, his financial needs rested perfectly on the shoulders of Alhaji Sheikh Raji Bello Imam and his older sister, Alhaja Nurat Yusuff, the mother of Rt. Hon. ‘Lasun Yussuff. He graduated from the school in 1970 with an Idadiyah Certificate. He worked in the school after his graduation as an Assistant Instructor.

At the establishment of Zumratul Islamiyah Arabic and Islamic School at Oka-Akoko in Ondo State, a powerful delegation of the society appealed to Shiekh Ajisafe to release one of his products to teach in the school and Alhaji Jamiu Kolapo Bello was recommended. Thus, a sojourn away from his parents, friends, tutors and well wishers started. He served at Oka-Akoko as both teacher and Islamic preacher. He was later invited to Ikare in 1971 by the Shafarudeen Muslim Organisation to handle an Islamic School located at Olufobi’s Compound in Ikare-Akoko. As a teacher in this school, God used him to touch the lives of many youths who are now great Islamic scholars and spread across the length and breadth of Nigeria. He also taught in some other Islamic schools , all with the intention of assisting to build reasonable, religious and responsible individuals who will bless the world with the Islamic knowledge that they must have acquired through him.

In 1979, he won a scholarship to study Islamic Theology at the University of Baghdad in Iraq. He graduated in 1986 with a B. A. Degree and observed the compulsory National Youth Service programme at A. U. D. Comprehensive High School, Ado-Ekiti in 1987. In 1988, he was made the Principal of MORKAS Arabic and Islamic Centre, Ikare-Akoko. He established his own school in 1989, Taqwallah Arabic and Islamic School at Ikare and in 1994. He later established another one named Taqwallah Group of Schools at Agbaluku, Arigidi Akoko in 1995, the best of its kind.

In the year 2006, Ilobu was blessed to have resolved to nominate Alhaji Jamiu Kolapo Bello as her Chief Imam. The beautiful edifice which stand gigantically as Ilobu Central Mosque was redesigned, re-constructed, renovated and painted via his finely designed and coordinated means of fund raising called “Dagbere Fun Osi”. All the Mosques; big small, covered and uncovered in Ilobu had to fix a date and raise fund which was judiciously spent by a committee appointed outside the Ulamas with the Late Engineer Babalola Adubi as the Chairman and Sanusi Raheem Kolapo as Secretary.

He also succeeded in uniting the Alfas, thus bringing peace and harmony into the Islamic Leadership Forum. He also reflected his sound understanding of Islamic ethics and practices at every gathering. He was indeed a blessing to Ilobu Community and a great loss at this point in time.

His youths development programme was superb. The present status of Ilobu Eid Prayer Ground; fencing, painting and tree planting were his brain child and handiwork. He was indeed a rare breed.

And for sure, every soul must taste death. On Saturday 17/09/2022, death caught up with this gigantic figure in the Islamic fold in Nigeria and it was “good night”, a very difficult one to say.

May Allah forgive his shortcomings, bless with the comforts of the hereafter and aljanah firidauz, amin.

Credit: Mr. Alabi Dare (For Occasion Magazine, Nigeria)


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