The exhibition “Architecture of Masjid Al Nabawi” features precious collectibles and cutting-edge technology, and it is a vital component of the visitor’s experience.
Al-Masjid an-Nabawī (Arabic: المسجد النبوي ; Prophet’s Mosque) is a mosque established and originally built by the Prophet of Islam Muhammad. It is located in the Saudi Arabian city of Medina. Masjid al Nabawi is Islam’s second holiest mosque and the world’s second largest mosque, after Mecca’s Masjid al-Haram. It is the Prophet Muhammad’s final resting place.
The “Tomb of Muammad” refers to the Prophet Muammad’s (d. 632) cemetery in Medina, Saudi Arabia, since it is housed within a constructed sepulcher as well as the surrounding area, which is also an integral component of the Prophet’s mosque (al-masjd al-nabaw).