Danish Far-right Party Leader Burns Copy Of Holy Quran In Sweden

Rasmus Paludan, the Danish leader of the far-right Stram Kurs party, has burned a copy of the Holy Quran in a heavily-populated Muslim area in Sweden.

Accompanied by police, Rasmus went to an open public space in southern Linkoping on Thursday and placed the Holy Quran down and burned it while ignoring protests from onlookers.

Paludan also burned the Quran in 2019, wrapping the Muslim holy book in bacon and tossed it in the air.


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In September 2020, Paludan was banned from entering Sweden for two years.

Later in October, he was prevented from entering Germany for some time after the controversial anti-Muslim politician announced plans to hold a provocative demonstration in Berlin.

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One comment on “Danish Far-right Party Leader Burns Copy Of Holy Quran In Sweden

Jazakum lahu khaeran for the message may Allah bless you and protect you against the enemies of Islam, My dear brother I have a strong belief that he can not go scot free all what I know is that Allah is compiling his atrousity very soon all the whole world we cry for him insha’Allah let wait for Allah reward for him.


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