I feel honoured and grateful to Almighty Allah- Maryam Afonja, TECH-U’s Best Graduating Student

Maryam Afonja Adewumi, 21, emerged Overall Best Graduating Student of The First Technical University, Ibadan, Oyo State. She is a first class graduate of Biological Sciences faculty of Natural and Apply Sciences with a CGPA of 4.91.

At the maiden Convocation on Saturday, March 5, 2022, Maryam was offered employment by TECH-U alongside other 11 first class graduates. She graduated with 4.91 CGPA in BSc Microbiology.

“I feel honoured and grateful to Almighty Allah whom on his mercy do this for me, my family and the entire Muslim Ummah, He alone can do it. And he alone is worthy of all praise,” she stated this in an interview with The Muslim Voice, Nigeria on Saturday as she graduated with a first class, in addition to other laudable achievements.



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Maryam who hails from Sepeteri town, Saki East Local Government area of Oyo State said, “I had challenges with Mathematics and CSC when I was in my first semester 200 level, but I believed that nothing good comes with ease, but with Almighty Allah, all things are possible, Alhamdulillah I later laughed last. I always had that believe in Allah that he will do the best for me.”

Describing how she balance academic work with other activities while in school, Maryam said, “One thing that set First Technical university apart from other schools is that there’s no much activities except from going to the class and go back to the hostel except if one wanted to involve in religious activities, although this may be because of the fact that TECH-U is just developing since we are the pioneer set, I made sure that nothing distracted me with my studies till I graduated.”


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