The Chronicles And Champions of Disunity in The Islamic World- From Past to Present (4)

I will like to give an insight to what led to the assassination of Uthman bn Affan(R.A). A Jew, Abdullah bn Sabah was the one who fanned the ember for the first group (Shiite) to emerge. His conversion to Islam was a cover to start a rift among Muslims. He first started to publicly question Caliph Uthman’s decisions related to the appointment of certain governors from the clan of Banu Umayyah, which was the clan that the caliph hailed from. He used this fact to accuse Caliph Uthman of favouritism. Then he started to profess his love and admiration for Ali bn Abu-Talib (RA) on the ground that Ali was from the family of the Prophet (Ahlul bayt). His supporters started to be known as ‘Shiat Ali’ which means ‘party of Ali’. The Shiat Ali managed to break into Caliph Uthman’s house and ultimately killed him. This marked the beginning of disunity.

Also on the forefront of this disunity are the Khawarij. As prophesized, the Khawarij emerged during the Caliphate of Ali (RA), revolting against them after declaring him to be disbeliever for having made arbitration between himself and Mu’aawiyah (RA). They killed companions of the Prophet and became threat to the Muslim Ummah. They also reared their head during the time of Caliph Umar ibn Abdul Azeez and they caused the fall of Ummayyah dynasty and also the Abassid dynasty. Umar bn Abdul Azeez who has been referred to as Umar II (The fifth rightly guided caliph) was killed. The history of Khawarij started from a man (Dhul Khuwaisiroh) from Banu Tamim who challenged and accused the Prophet of injustice in distribution of booties. When Umar requested for him to be killed, the Prophet of Allah peace be upon him said:

” Verily, from the progeny of this (man) shall come a people who will recite Qur’an But It won’t pass beyond their throat. They will slay the followers of Islam and would spare the people of idolatry. They will pierce through the religion just like an arrow which goes clean through a prey”

Mu’tazilah also emerged during the Caliphate of Caliph Ali.They were also referred to Ahl al- adl wa al- Tawhid. They neither condemn nor sanction Ali or his opponents but took middle position between Ali and his opponents.

The Chronicles And Champions of Disunity in The Islamic World- From Past to Present (3)

After this period, Muslims made significant progress in the world of science, medicine and art. Islam expanded to Europe and many part of Africa. Islam ruled Andalusia (Spain and part of Portugal), Turkey, Asia and the area covered by Soviet union. Many other groups emerged most of which had the support of Jews and the Christians to cause disunity among the Muslims. Among them were Daruzism( broke away from shi’at), Bahaism, Qadyanism (Ahmadiyah) etc. The problem of madhaaib (school of thoughts), many mosques were closed because of the crises among the adherents of the school of thoughts. The last caliphate collapsed in Turkey. Muslims were in disarray due to the fact that they was no more a symbol of unity.

What did we lose during disunity? We lose our symbol of authority. It hindered our progress. Muslims were turned to particles that everyone could dragged anyhow. We lose our unity of purpose. The land of Islam were taking over by foreigners and the indigenous foreigners. Many scholars had come to rescue the Ummah from this problem and return us back to the basis especially in this modern era. Among them were Shaykh Abul A’la Maududi, Imam Hasan Al Bannah, Muhammad Ilyas Kandhlawi etc. These scholars and many others tried to return Muslims to pristine Islam and solved the problem emanated from school of thoughts. That we can overlook our differences which are not fundamentals. By this , we can work together to bring back Islamic caliphate.

There are many issues that caused disunity today and if are not careful, we would continue to be like ball at the hand of unbelievers. They can play us the way they like. Among the causes are :

1) Existence of scholars who are deviant in their thoughts.

2) Prevalence ignorance and hard heartedness among Muslims.

3) Self-desire.

4) Intrusion of tribalism .

5) Political strivings.

6) Placing the intellect above the confirmed written text.

7) External influence.

Dearest brothers and sisters in faith, our success lies in going back to pristine Islam, the basis upon which the Prophet of Allah established Islam. He established brotherhood among his companions. They were able to work together and achieved greatly. Allah says:

“And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you – when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided.” Q3 verse 103.

Olawale Ibraheem writes from Lagos, Nigeria.

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