As-sheikh Daood Imran Molaasan, the founder and national President of Jama’at Ta’awunil Muslimeen, and the grand Mufti of Yorubaland, Edo and Delta, ended his 2-day visit to Lagos, to meet notable Islamic scholars on way-out for Yoruba Muslims, some prominent Islamic scholars have joined hands with his struggle to lead Yoruba Muslims.
This was established in an historical journey made to Lagos which started on Wednesday, 24th November, 2021 and ended very late on Thursday, 25th November, 2021. Sheikh Daood Imran Molaasan, the Grand Mufti visited Sheikh Thaoban, the son Sheikh Adam Al-Ilory at Morkas Uloom, Agege. He was flamboyantly welcome and reaffirmed his commitment to dawah and struggle of Sheikh Adam Al-Ilory, who aimed at ensuring unity among Muslims, and to make Islam in Yorubaland dignified.
He went ahead to visit Al-mojlisu Ad-Dirassy (The Academic gathering). He preached brotherhood and unity among Muslims, and told them that division among the Muslims would only benefit their common enemies.
He was later presented with award for his contribution to the progress of Islam in Yorubaland.
It was a remarkable moment at Modrasa Salam, of Sheikh Moshood Ramadan Al-Ketuwi. The baba who spent most of his life with Sheikh Adam Al-Ilory shared his experience with those present. He encouraged loyalty and submissiveness to a leader. He advised everyone not to see mistake of his leader. On a final note, he established that he was able to live his life through that principle.
At Muslim Right Concern’s Office (MURIC), the grand Mufti and Professor Akintola discussed extensively on how to work together for the future of Islam in Yorubaland.
Dr Abdul Hakeen Abdul Lateef, (Hon Yepe), while in his office, he made it known that liberation of people is not the work of the majority. He encouraged the Grand Mufti not to expect the support of anyone but Allah. He said it was Allah who made him the grand Mufti and not anyone. He then proposed the Council of The Grand Mufti, where matters patterning to Yoruba Muslims would be channeled for discussion before unanimous decisions are made.
The Council will now be formed and be launched to restructure Islam in Yorubaland.