In the first episode, I explained what Allah (SW) and His Prophet (SAW) want from us as ummah. He commanded us not to be divided. Our righteous predecessors were united. Though they had differences among them but those differences did not change their disposition and attitudes towards one another. When the Prophet of Allah peace be upon him was with them, he was their rally point.
The companions did not have much problem of differences as observed today because the messenger of Allah (SAW) was the agreed reference that is present among them. In a situation where they had challenge in reaching the Prophet, there do occur some differences of interpretations. An example is the directive of the Prophet of Allah that: “No one should pray Asr prayers except in the precinct of Banu Quraizoh” They interpreted this hadith in two ways, one group prayed on their way because the asr time met them on the road while the other group delayed their asir till they reached the place. Non of the two groups were condemned by the Prophet and non of the groups condemned one another.
Chronicles And Champions of Disunity in The Islamic World-From Past to Present (1)
When differences occurred despite all efforts to avoid it, they rush to take the issue to the book of Allah and His Messenger. They adhere to piety and avoid self desires on issues. Therefore they have the mindset that the truth can come from anyone. Prophet (SAW) had forehand warned that “whoever lives longer among you shall see disagreements. So, hold on to my sunnah and the sunnah of rightly guided caliphs” (Tirmidhi).
During the era of the Khilaf of the companions, there were some issues of differences. Examples of such are:
Differences during the death of the Prophet (SAW).
Differences on how and where to bury the messenger of Allah (SAW).
Differences on how and who to choose as Khalifah.
Differences on fighting those who refuses to pay zakah.
However, all these issues of disagreement never led to disunity, rather it made them stronger. Their main intention was to reach the truth and accept it once it became clear to them.
As a result, the land of Islam expanded to Palestine within five (5) years of Prophet demised and many other land fell for Islam because of the bond of brotherhood (unity) among the companions.
To be continued.
Olawale Ibraheem