Before Muslims begin to regret the mistakes their fathers failed to correct, the chances they didn’t take and the decisions they waited too long to make, they should know there is need for them, especially the Yorubas, to understand that chances come but once in every 100 years, to revive the Deen. Making good use of the present chance to usher in new method for Islamic propagation might be the last opportunity for the present generation of Yoruba Muslims.
In the North, it has been the culture of their governments to promote, propagate and develop Islam, but (still), there are more to be done in the areas of establishment and promotion of Islamic civilization.
Here in Yorubaland, where there is no government to promote, develop and propagate Islam, every existing Islamic organization must see itself as a representative of the Islamic government to handle the matter of Deen and make it established as a way of life. More also, each Islamic organization should see itself as Abu Bakri who must work with Umar and other companions/organizations for the success of Islam.
Let Us Make Iwo Our Medina, The Headquarters Of Islam In Yorubaland- Sheikh Daood Molaasan
Although establishing Islam is a difficult task, but there is no alternative to Islamic freedom except when Islamic structures are put in place. Therefore, Islamic organisations have to work together towards ensuring that Islamic structures are laid in all respect, to such that the services enjoyed by the people will be provided in the name of Islam. For such to happen, one must be ready to battle against the colonial ideology and its system. Such a program is an act of creating a new path for Yoruba Muslims and to usher in a new method of Islamic reawakening.
We must remember that Europe and its allies did not succeed to plant their ideology until they first uprooted the Islamic structures. Because Islamic structures would not allow their ideology and system to grow and breath, almost every Muslim country on the planet was conquered, or at least, plundered and colonized by Europeans. During that period, every legacy laid down by Muslims was shattered. Andalusia that was exactly opposite of Europe at that time, which had produced magnificent Muslim civilization, and served as embodiment of the Islamic compulsion to seek ilm-knowledge, was destroyed.
Around the time when the already weakened Muslims were facing defeat in Spain (Andalusia) from the West, the Mongols also erupted from the East and attacked the heart of the Muslim world. Libraries and books in Baghdad were subjected to destruction and centuries of civilization were razed to the ground. Once the destruction began in the West and East, it could not be stopped. It spread like the apocalypse, thus the end of Islamic structure or and civilization.
Mosques, libraries and anything that could remind people of Islam were systematically destroyed and some were replaced with European names. This was done with aim of pulling down the structure of Muslims and to erase anything remaining of Islamic legacy from people’s memory. Today, Muslims are only left with mosques as their structure, the rest have become history
This means if we are to establish Islam, our structures must be created. We have to establish standard schools, universities, develop economically, be strong ideologically and politically, and stop wasting our time on what is not productive. But for that to happen, a new path has to be created for a new history to be made.
Sheikh Daood Imran Molaasan,
Ameer Jama’at Ta’awunil Muslimeen & the Grand Mufti