Biography of Sheikh Daood Imran Molasan, The Grand Mufty Of Yorubaland, By Ola Ariyo

Having realized that greatness of a worthy cause or and struggle (such as struggle to standardize and then fortify Yoruba Islam) is not attached to personal achievement of individuals that live around the cause but the sacrifice made to bring honour, dignity and value to such cause, then Sheikh Daood Imran Molaasan went ahead; despite his numerous scholarship opportunities to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar; to sacrifice his personal life for that worthy cause and continue to struggle (with those people around him) to create a channel or a new path for the rebirth of pristine Islam in Yorubaland. And, today, what he sacrificed for has begun to yield positive result.

Today, we are telling the world about the beginning of an ERA in Yorubaland, the ERA always dreamt about by a great scholar of Da’awah: Sheikh Daood Imran Molaasan, the founder and National President of Jama’atu Ta’awunil Muslimeen.

Sheikh Daood Imran Molaasan is one of the grand students of the revivalist of Islamic Law, ethics and dressing, Sheikh Abdul Baki Muhammad (May Allah be pleased with him). He started his educational career at Ansar-ud-deen Primary School, Iwo, then he proceeded to Islahudeen Arabic School, Iwo where he completed his Idaadiy education and after that he attended, for his Thanawiy education, Shariah College of Sheikh Hadiyatullahi Abdul Rasheed. After Thanawiyyah, though he had various scholarship (offers) to further his education abroad, he believed he had to devote better part of his youthful age to Da’awah (a cause he believed and still believes is greater than his educational achievements).

Thus, in 1994, he founded Jama’atu Ta’awunil Muslimeen, and by 1995, he had been totally immersed in Islamic struggle, Islamic activism and sordid research on how to standardize and fortify Islam practiced in Yorubaland. But despite being overwhelmed with comprehensive Islamic work that covers every aspect of human life, Sheikh Daood Imran Molaasan took from his time and went ahead to enroll for Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies at Islamic online University (and did some other Certificate Courses in Islamic Jurisprudence, History and Management).

Just as his late mentor and grand teacher, Sheikh Daood believes in revivalism and therefore he organizes and champions different struggles at all grassroots of South West Nigeria (including some Northern states, such as Kwara, Sokoto, Zamfara and Federal Capital Territory) not only to protect the legacy of Sheikh Abdul Baki Muhammad but also to awaken the present generation of Nigerian Muslims to the task of uniting Muslims, establishing pristine Islam, regaining the lost glory and fortifying the targeted Islamic community.
To achieve the feat, Sheikh Daood Imran Molaasan read into the past of Muslims, travelled far and near and studied under different Islamic scholars with technically ideologies and understandings of Islamic Movement. He met and interacted with some Saudi Sheikhs, Syrian Sheikhs, Yemen Sheikhs, Turkish Sheikhs, Egyptian Sheikhs among others and he did not only learn few things from all but also appealed to them to unite for the sake of Islam

It is part of Sheikh Daood Imran Molaasan to interact with Islamic scholars and elders, some of whom are: Sheikh Abdul Baqi Muhammad, Sheikh Muhammed Kamaldeen Al-Adabiy (the late Grand Mufti of Ilorin Emirate and its Environ), Sheikh Muqaddam Akinola, Sheikh Imran Eleha, Professor Ishaq Akintola, Dr. Abdul Lateef Abdul Hakeem, Abu Mazeedatilkhayr Bn Sa’eed and a host of others.

Meet Sheik Daood Imran Molaasan The Great Mentor And Mind Builder, By Ola Ariyo

Sheikh Daood had attended a lot of international outings, meetings, seminars and conferences in countries such as Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Lebanon, and he is considered, by men of “salt and substance” he met, as one of the outstanding personalities (from among the great figures of Islamic thought and from the men of contemporary Islamic awakening) Nigeria is blessed with. He stands for positive change, struggles for change and proclaim same to the world.

The change he stands for covers every aspect of human life: from personal morality to general ethics, from spirituality to business, economics and politics. He is always after Islamic establishment and revival and believes that is the only way for Muslims to live a genuine life and for Islam to genuinely survive and peacefully spread.

International Conferences And Seminars

  • International Conference on Palestine 2013
    Country: Algeria
  • International Conference on Palestinian Resistance Country: Lebanon 2013
  • International Conference on Public Relations 2014
    Country: Yemen
  • Visitation to the National Headquarter of World Assembly of Muslim Youth. Country: Riyad, Saudi Arabia 2015
  • International Islamic Conference on Dawah 2014
    Country: Libya
  • International Conference on Right of Return 2016
    Country: Syria
  • International Conference on Islamic Radio in Africa Country: Sudan

Books / Publications

  • The Betrayed Nation
  • Revolution Letter to Muslim Youth
  • The Message of Islam
  • Nigeria: 175 years of Christianization
  • Ahmad Yasin: The Symbol of Islamic Revolution
  • The Lost Heritages: Islamic Structure and Leadership

Books in View

  • The Revival of Yoruba Islam
  • Hijrah: The Beginning of an Era.


  • Al-Bayan Islamic Institute
    Honour: Award of Excellence on Contribution to the Progress of Islam and Society at large 2019
  • The Nigeria Police Community Relations Committee (PCRC)
    Honour: Award of Excellence on Rural Community Development 2018
  • Rojab Communication
    Honour: Award of Excellence on Contribution towards Islamic Radio & Television Program 2018
  • Modirazat Sharafudeen Islamic and Arabic School Honour: Mujadidu-deen 2018
  • Jama’atu Ta’awunil Muslimeen, Ilesah Branch
    Honour: The Great Reformer 2017
  • Nigerian Vogue International Magazine/ Journalism Centre Honour: Award of Excellence and Integrity 2015
  • Al-Bayan International Family
    Honour: The Youngest Islamic Hero of the Time 2015
  • Onward Heritage Crew
    Honour: ACE Islamic Scholar (In Recognition of Selfless Service to Humanity Race in General) 2013
  • Federation of Iwo Land Student Union
    Honour: Most Supportful Religious Figure 2007
  • Allahu Mo’y Islamic International
    Honour: Award of Excellence on Contribution to the Progress of Islamic Propagation in Nigeria 2006
  • International award by Al-Hudah Foundation For civilization and culture in Algeria

Fruits Of His Da’awah: Establishments So Far

  • Internet Radio (the first Islamic Internet Radio in Nigeria)
  • Al-Qudus Cyber Café (the first Islamic Cyber Café in Iwo, 2nd Cyber Cafe in Iwo)
  • Information and Communication Technology Training Centre
  • Printing Industry
  • At-Tamkeen Magazine and the Majority Newspapers
  • Multi Media Centre
  • Primary and Secondary Schools across South West (more than 40)
  • Al-Ummah College of Education
  • WAEC and NECO Approved Examination Center
  • E-learning Centre
  • Orphanage (Orphan home)
  • Ta’awun Centre for the Special Needs
  • Baytul Maal Islamic Foundation
  • Medical Facilities (not less than 3)
  • Islamic First Aid Group (ISFAG)
  • Food and Drug Control Unit (FDCU)
  • Ta’awun Health Initiative (THI)
  • Ta’awun Health Research (THR)
  • Islamic Intelligence Center (Center for Islamic Research and Development) among others.
  • Centre for women development among others.

Sheikh Daood Imran Molaasan, alondside his Idarah, Nuqaba’, ‘Urafa’ and Du’at, is able to register landmark achievements. And upon all the aforementioned achievements, he has unequivocally reiterated to his people (and made Affidavit in that respect) that none of the properties is his and none should be made personal property of anybody but should be regarded and treated, at all times, as endowment/property of Islam which must not be shared by any individual or group. What he lives to protect is the purpose of Islam.

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One comment on “Biography of Sheikh Daood Imran Molasan, The Grand Mufty Of Yorubaland, By Ola Ariyo

masha Allah i ask Allah for him sound and good health and also long live with forgiveness of his sins and also to enter paradise in the day of judgement and also to give him a good daolah to be able to control we muslims


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