Stop The Begging Please!

When popular Muslim radio or TV presenters are invited to pilot Muslim societal events as the masters of ceremony, they generally charge handsomely to “grace” the occasion and they are paid honorably, not so alfas whose outings are generally for da’wah purposes, and so one can understand when an audience gets fascinated by officiating alfas and voluntarily come forwards to gift them Naira notes in appreciation as is common in our society.

But when the MC’s solicit donations for the officiating alfas on such occasions and subtly embarrass individuals in the audience deemed to have shown reluctance or to have given less than is expected of their status, that is nothing but outright begging of the type the Messenger of Allah warned honorable Muslims against. This act not only humiliates alfas but also indulges those who invite them and often feel no responsibilty to cater for even as little as their transportation fares but rather feel they have done the alfas a favour to have assembled for them such a large audience to milk. The alfas, if foolish enough, are then expected to solicit for the “crumbs of appreciation” by themselves which they often do to a fault and to the disgust of the audience.

Some Subtle Realities Of Life

A recent twist to the practice is when the MC calls for donations for a bride. One MC was so brazen last week that he challenged whoever had anything against it. As I sat down wondering where he got his evil courage from, someone whispered into my ears: “He must have watched the video of the wedding of so-and-so popular sheikh where it was done.”

If I hesitated to oppose the act at first, I felt a greater responsibility to do so at that point, or else it would soon become another evil norm. The Prophet sternly frowns at begging except in extreme situations.

When preachers are treated as beggars, or even worse, when alfas themselves shamelessly and brazenly feel it is their right to beg for money from an “ungrateful audience“, their honor and that of their message suffer; rather, let them frankly request the one inviting them to provide them with the means of transport (if needed) and leave the audience to decide if they want to gift them anything or not.

The Messenger of Allah says: تهادوا تحابوا
“Exchange gifts. It will promote love among you” (Attirmithee).

He too used to give and accept gifts, but he never begged for them. He hated and warned against begging because gifts are those that come freely from the heart.

Let our marriages, naming ceremonies and waleematul Quran events be more decent and reflect more of the Sunnah that we are ascribed to please!

N. B.

Donations for communal projects or individuals in dire need are not intended in this article.

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